The Tomatis Method

Alfred Angelo Tomatis, born on January 1, 1920, in Nice and died on December 25, 2001, in Carcassonne, was an otolaryngologist who developed a speech therapy method implemented by a network of private and public institutes and schools.

Alfred Tomatis devoted the majority of his professional life to studying the processes linking listening to language. In 1947, he began research in the fields of audiology and phonology, which led to the formulation of a number of “laws” presented to the Academy of Sciences in Paris. However, none of these laws were published according to scientific standards. They address the connections between the ear, the voice, and the nervous system, relying on very personal notions of anatomy. Several application fields have used the foundations of his research.

Tomatis’ three “laws”:

-The voice contains only what the ear hears (the larynx emits only the harmonics that the ear can hear).

-If hearing is modified, the voice is unconsciously and immediately modified.

-Sustained auditory stimulation for a determined period of time modifies the subject’s self-listening posture by a phenomenon of persistence, and consequently, their phonation.

The Ear and Language, Tomatis A., Seuil, France, 1991.

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1202 Geneve

tel: 022 733 86 74

Donations to Humanitarian Projects
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Âu Lạc Việt School

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Register for Vietnamese courses

Thank you for submitting your registration for Vietnamese courses (in Geneva), for children or adults. If you have specific questions, we will be happy to assist you. To register with a more detailed form, please click the ‘Download’ button to download the form, which will allow you to fill in the information more easily and accurately.
Each year, there are two classes for adults at each level, each lasting 3 months, and one class for children at each level, lasting 6 months, according to the school calendar.
We thank you for your trust.
Class address:
14 rue du Bachet (2nd floor), 1212 Grand-Lancy (Rond-Point des Paletten),
Every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and every Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Click on ‘Download’ to get the form.